Naam Japo

Sikh beliefs
  • 1a. Naam Simran
  • 1b. Sewa

Nām Japō (Gurmukhi ਨਾਮ ਜਪੋ), or Naam Japna, refers to the meditation, vocal singing of hymns from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib or of the various Names of God, especially the chanting of the word Waheguru, which means "Wonderful Lord". Singing of hymns generally is also referred to as Nām Jap, sometimes also called Nām Simran. Singing of hymns with musical accompaniment is generally referred to as Kirtan.

Naam Japo is the remembrance of God by repeating and focusing the mind on His name. The guideline in the Rehat Maryada of Guru Gobind Singh demands that the Sikh engage in Naam Simran as part of his or her everyday routine.

Nām Japō is one of the Three pillars of Sikhism, along with Kirat karō and Vaṇḍ chakkō. Critical importance is given to the meditation in the Guru Granth Sahib as the way in which humans can conquer ego, greed, attachment, anger and lust, together commonly called the Five Evils or Five Thieves and to bring peace and tranquility into ones mind. The Sikhs practice both the quiet individual recitation of Naam in ones mind, commonly called Naam Simran, and the loud and communal recitation of Naam, called Naam Jaap. However, this is not a strict definition of these phases.

Guru Ji says in the Guru Granth Sahib:

With my hands I do His work; with my tongue I sing His Glorious Praises.

With my feet, I walk on the Path of my Lord and Master. ((1))
It is a good time, when I remember Him in meditation.
Meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, I cross over the terrifying world-ocean. ((1)(Pause))
With your eyes, behold the Blessed Vision of the Saints.
Record the Immortal Lord God within your mind. ((2))
Listen to the Kirtan of His Praises, at the Feet of the Holy.
Your fears of birth and death shall depart. ((3))
Enshrine the Lotus Feet of your Lord and Master within your heart.

Thus this human life, so difficult to obtain, shall be redeemed. ((4)(51)(120))[1]
—Guru Granth Sahib Page 189

See also
